We want to thank all of our loyal readers for their support in the Central News Blog of the Month Competition. It was a fiercely fought race during which we were swapping the lead with Falkirk BNP who pulled ahead on the last day. Our congratulations go our to Falkirk BNP on their victory. We were also joined in the competition by Mr Chalk and Pommygranate, both excellent blogs, who received 1 and 11 votes respectively.
We had an amazing 211 votes and thank each and every one of you for taking the time to support our blog.
Thursday, 31 May 2007
Thank you for Your Support!
Immigration Damaging Education
Home Office figures show that 4,200 children were brought from the Eastern Europe to Britain by their parents in the first three months of this year, or 65 every school day. Schools have no option but to devote thousands of pounds and hundreds of hours to attempt to bring the immigrants up to the same standard as British children. The result of this is devastating of the education system.
David Green, director of the Civitas think-tank, said last night: "We do not have the capacity to cope with these numbers, but it is not possible to stop people from coming, so schools have to do the best they can. This must be having a detrimental effect on schools. We have seen in London that, where there are a lot of non-English speakers, the standards are very low."
Initially the influx of Eastern Europeans was mainly adults however due to the offering of free education as well as generous child tax credits significant numbers of young children are now arriving for the first time.
Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: "The Government originally estimated that no more than 15,000 would come from the new Eastern European members of the EU. At least 600,000 came. Britain benefits economically from immigration, but not all or any immigration. There must be a limit to the amount of people who can come here, bearing in mind the ability of our public services and infrastructure to cope with new arrivals."
The entire position relating to immigration needs to be revised. It is bitterly unfair to British children to have the level of education they received degraded due to the amount of funds and time being spent on immigrants.
Thousands of Criminals to Escape Justice
The sentencing of criminals should be decided by the seriousness of the crime, not by prison capacity. This seems a fairly obvious statement unfortunately, despite Blair's "tough on crime" slogans the government does not agree.
It has emerged that the government will not keep building prisons which will result in thousands of criminals escaping jail. Justice Minister Lord Falconer said offenders currently given sentences of less than a year should in future receive community punishments instead. He added "More offenders who are not considered a threat to the public and who would face a term of 12 months or less must be dealt with in the community. Of course dangerous criminals should still be given custodial sentences, but we need to get to the point at which the prison service is able to meet the demands placed upon it by the courts."
On Tuesday, inmate numbers reached a record 80,846. There are fears the court service and Police cells, which are providing overflow cells could run out of space later this week. Lord Falconer is desperately seeking ways of solving the crisis, but is running into great difficulty with Downing Street which is desperately attempting to preserve what remains of Tony Blair’s legacy on crime, and is blocking the early release of up to 3,000 inmates to create space.
I hate to be the one to tell Downing Street but Blair's "legacy on crime" would be laughable if it was not so devastating.
Just to add to the position of overcrowding when the smoking ban comes in on July 1, doubling up in cells will be limited by a new right for nonsmoking prisoners to refuse to share a cell with a smoker. Now why people who are in PRISON should have any rights other than a cell, meals and clothing is a mystery to me. Prison is punishment for a CRIME they CHOSE to commit. If they did not want to be stuck in a cell with someone who smokes they should not have committed a crime in the first place. Pandering to prisoners cell requests should result in criminals who should be in prison being set free due to lack of space.
An estimated 60,000 to 70,000 criminals each year are given up to 12 months in jail. This will translate to 60,000 to 70,000 free criminals who will not serve any jail sentence. Burglars are one of the groups of criminals who will benefit most so I would not forget to lock your doors.
Blair's £1million Vanity Trip
The Conservatives have accused the Prime Minister of authorising a "self-indulgent" waste of public funds to promote his reputation at home and abroad. Nine official and political visits have been scheduled by Blair since announcing that he is to step down on June 27 and there is the possibility of more to be added. The Conservatives claimed last night that the total cost of the trips planned for the six weeks between his announcement and his departure will exceed £1million.
I can think of much better ways to spend £1million than on Blair's "farewell tour." Education, Health care .....
Foreign Office's Failure of Accountablility to Parliment
Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett's reluctance to attend a session ahead of an EU summit, was "a failure of accountability to Parliament" according to the foreign affairs committee.
The summit will consider attempts by Germany to revive the EU constitution, vetoed by the French and Dutch in referendums two years ago.
"Deep concern" that MPs had not had a chance to question ministers was expressed by comitte chairman Mike Gapes. In a letter addressed to Beckett he said,"The committee regards the refusal of the [Foreign Office] to provide a minister to give oral evidence during this crucial phase of the discussions on the future of Europe as a failure of accountability to Parliament."
Since February Gapes has continually requested either Becket or Europe Minister Hoon to appear before the commitee "so that Parliament could be better informed on the government's approach to the discussions taking place and so that ministers could hear the views of the committee."
He also said that Mr Hoon had also refused to appear until June to which Gapes said"It is the strong view of the committee that an evidence session in June is too late.By then, decisions concerning the approach to be followed by government ministers and officials will effectively have been taken and the opportunity for Parliament to influence the debate will have passed."
A spokeswoman for Mrs Beckett said she and her ministerial term took their responsibilities to Parliament and the committee "very seriously". Of course she does, just not seriousley enough to spare 10 minutes of her time.
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
5 Britons Taken Hostage from Government Building in Iraq
The British government convened an emergency meeting of its Cobra crisis management committee on Tuesday afternoon after Five Britons were taken hostage in Iraq. The Britons, an IT expert and his four bodyguards, were seized from the Iraqi Finance Ministry in Baghdad by heavily-armed men who arrived in dozens of police vehicles wearing police and commando uniforms.
As of yet no group has taken responsibility for the kidnapping although witnesses say the abduction was carried out by what appeared to be a police unit. The street was sealed off at both ends and the kidnappers, in police camouflage uniforms, passed through security checkpoints at the finance ministry building on Palestine Street by showing apparently-genuine identity papers.
The Foreign Office says it is in "urgent" contact with Iraqi officials in a bid to resolve the crisis. Blair, who is currently on a trip to Libya , said: "We will do everything we possibly can to help."
I would love to know Blair's definition of "everything possible." Does that include discussing the kidnappers demands over a cup of tea or does it mean definitive action especially as they were kidnapped from a GOVERNMENT building. My thoughts and prayers are with the hostages and their families as I can not begin to imagine what they are going through.
More than 200 foreigners and thousands of Iraqis have been kidnapped since the U.S.-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003 although this is the first time Westerners have been abducted from inside an Iraqi government building.
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Labels: Britons, Iraq Finance Ministry, Iraq Hostages, Iraq kidnapping, Kidnapped
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Blog of the Month
UK News and Politics is the running for Central News Blog of the Month and would love your votes! Click HERE to visit the site and vote (the poll is on the sidebar). Thanks for Your Support :)
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"Tony Blair wandering around the world doing nothing but indulging his vanity."
Blair claims important work is being carried out not just by him but by ministers acting "as a government" including international duties, such as the G8 summit in early June. However, to the rest of the country it appears Labour is in limbo.
Tory Leader David Cameron hit the mark when he said, "There are urgent problems in our country, like the crisis in the NHS, that need to be sorted out now. Instead we have to put up with the farce of Labour's 'non-election campaign', with Gordon Brown wandering round the country with nothing to do and Tony Blair wandering around the world doing nothing but indulging his vanity. In this country, we don't do 'farewell tours'. Tony Blair was elected to be the prime minister of this country, not a pop star."
I am not looking forward to Brown as Prime Minister but, as it is inevitable, it seems rather pointless to have this "transition period" where the government is essentially in limbo with Blair floating around the world and Brown twiddling his thumbs.
Hosptials Using Unqualified Support Workers to do Job of Midwives
Last month Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt said maternity support workers were "not a substitute for midwives". However, a new report released today contradicts Hewitt's previous statement. The report which was commissioned by Hewitt says that the lives of mothers and their babies is being put at risk by NHS hospitals which use unqualified "maternity support workers" to do the work of trained midwives.
Research shows maternity support workers are carrying out internal examinations, ultrasounds, and pre-natal screening counselling and advising parents about important tests to detect foetal abnormalities. They are also being used as the sole night cover at some midwife-led birth units.
Prof Jane Sandall, lead author of the report by the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery at King's College, London said, "There is a danger that support workers could cease to become another pair of hands. Instead, they may be called upon to substitute care provided by midwives, without sufficient investment in their training or development."
Royal College of Midwives adviser Sue Jacob said it would be 'nothing short of scandalous' if support workers were left doing the job of midwives. "Women want nothing less than a midwife by their side when they are in labour. We know from all the research that's been done that continuous care from an experienced professional makes a huge difference to the safety of both the mother and the child."
In an attempt to mitigate the damage of this report a Department of Health spokeswoman said,"It is completely unacceptable if a hospital is using a maternity support worker as a substitute for a midwife, and the chief nursing officer has written to all trusts to clarify this and asked that they review the working practices of all support workers, ensuring maternity services are provided safely." However in the beginning of April, Hewitt admitted that midwives would probably not be present during the whole labour in any NHS hospital and campaigners said that costs could be cut by using "maternity support workers" not midwives during the majority of the labour process. This was unacceptable then and it is unacceptable now.
Perhaps if this Government spent less money on surveillance and spy planes they would have enough left to gives mothers and babies the care they deserve. Who knows, they might even have enough left over to improve the education they receive after birth to a reasonable standard. What the Government needs to realize is there are more important things then knowing when Joe comes home from work or having little Michael yelled at by a camera for dropping a chocolate wrapper on the sidewalk.
Telegraph Headline - Immigrants Need More Help To Adjust
I would suggest they need more help to leave.
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Absurd News of the Week
The greatest concern of women prisoners in a Swedish Jail near Gothenburg is that the are not able to get a decent tan. A prison council has written to Sweden's Justice Ombudsmen to say the issue is one of sex discrimination. The female inmates complained that that, unlike their male counterparts, they are unable to take off their tops to enjoy the sun thus depriving them of a basic human right. They believe they should be allowed bikinis.
"It's a human right," said the women. "We want to be able to enjoy the sun just like everybody else in Sweden, whether they are in an institution or on the outside. How are we supposed to be able to sunbathe at all? The answer we have got is that we can sunbathe in shorts and sports top," the prisoners wrote, according to Sweden's Aftonbladet. "We are treated differently because we are in an institution and we are discriminated against because of our gender."
If these female inmates' greatest concern during their imprisonment is that they are unable to maintain a nice tan there is some fundamentally wrong with the jail they are in. Punishment for a crime should not be enjoyable. Prisoners' rights = food, water and a cell, not bikinis.
Since when is achieving the perfect tan a "human right?"
Government Considers Increasing Police Powers Under the Pretense Of "National Security"
The Government's newest proposal in their campaign against freedom is to give the police the power to stop and question at random without reason. Big Brother is becoming so prevalent in our country we should issue the following disclaimer to anyone entering:
WELCOME TO THE UK. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING DISCLAIMER. "Welcome to the fastest growing Police State in the World. You WILL be caught on CCTV hundreds of times a day and you may see spy planes flying above. Do not be alarmed if a CCTV Camera yells at your child for littering. Please be advised that the police may stop and question you for any reason. No probable cause is required. Finally please be aware that you may be profiled as a potential criminal if you have a too many drinks at the pub."
The solution is not to penalise the whole of the British people for the error made by the courts. One of the three terror suspects who went missing while on control orders was granted bail by a senior district judge on at least two occasions. On both dates, prosecutors asked for him to be jailed, but were refused. If there is sufficient evidence to show suspects pose a serious threat they should not be allowed bail or more closely monitored if they are. Rather than take away the civil liberties of society as a whole penalise those who are reasonably suspected of planning or committing crimes. Why should our freedom suffer because of the legal system's incompetence.
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Labels: Gordon Brown, police, Police state, Stop and Question, Tony Blair
Tony Blair's Article in the Sunday Times
I just finished reading Blair's article in the Sunday Times and have suddenly developed a headache.
Blair began with, "First let us clear away some of the absurd criticism of the police and security service over the three individuals who absconded. " He then went on to blame British society for having the desire to retain some of the few civil liberties we have left. According to Blair because of this desire 3 terror suspects have gone missing," the fault is not with our services or, in this instance, with the Home Office. We have chosen as a society to put the civil liberties of the suspect, even if a foreign national, first. "
Blair continued to write,"Over the past five or six years, we have decided as a country that except in the most limited of ways, the threat to our public safety does not justify changing radically the legal basis on which we confront this extremism.
Their right to traditional civil liberties comes first. I believe this is a dangerous misjudgment. This extremism, operating the world over, is not like anything we have faced before. It needs to be confronted with every means at our disposal. Tougher laws in themselves help, but just as crucial is the signal they send out: that Britain is an inhospitable place to practise this extremism"
The main problem (out of a list of many) with Blair's logic is that although a police state may make Britain more "inhospitable" for terrorism it will do the same for the law abiding public.
Blair ending his article with, "This extremism can be defeated. But it will be defeated only by recognising that we have not created it; it cannot be negotiated with; pandering to its sense of grievance will only encourage it; and only by confronting it, the methods and the ideas, will we win. " - I guess he has changed his view on negotiating and pandering to terrorists since he dealt with the hostage situation in Iran.
Friday, 25 May 2007
Spy Planes and CCTV Are Not Enough.. Government Now Considering Rewarding Neighbours to Spy on Eachother
This informant plan would offer a reward to anybody producing hard proof , otherwise unavailable to the authorities, that a person was defrauding the Government. An example of the "proof" the government would require could be secretly taken photographs.
The payout could be as high as 30 per cent of the total amount seized. Ministers have also not ruled out allowing informants to take over a neighbour’s possessions, such as luxury cars or plasma TVs, if they had been bought with the proceeds of crime. These rewards could reach to hundreds of thousands of pounds.
After the less than successful start made by the Assets Recovery Agency, which initially cost more to run than it recovered, this is the Home Office's latest idea to target the extravagant lifestyles enjoyed by criminals. Other new powers in the plan could include the right to seize lifestyle items from thieves and burglars, such as jewellery, and laptops. Tony Blair originally suggested these powers as part of a package of policies on law and order.
Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker said it was based on a "strikingly successful" scheme in the U.S. He continued to say that, "We are asking, is it applicable in this country, is it something that people would find acceptable and is there a workable model? "
Coaker surely must be aware what a ridiculous concept this is. Encouraging conflict and distrust among neighbours is not something the government should promote. I am the first to agree that people who are benefit, VAT, or Customs cheats should be prosecuted. However this is not the way to gather evidence. One would think that the government is able to gather enough evidence with its' spy planes and millions off CCTV cameras without encouraging neighbours to secretly photograph and spy on each other.
I would not be overly concerned about this plan moving forward though. As Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said,""Behind the spin, this is yet another government consultation, containing yet more gimmicks. This Government has a woeful record at seizing criminal assets."
The Assets Recovery Agency was described as a disaster earlier this year after the National Audit Office said it had cost £65million to run but had seized only £23million.
Perhaps if the Government spent more time focusing on doing the job at hand, rather than spending time and resources developing new (absurd) plans and agencies to do the job, they might actually accomplish something.
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Are Likely Charges in the "Cash for Honours" Scandal the Real Reason Levy is Standing Down?
Lord Levy, a major contributor to labour sleaze, will be finally leaving! Was it "Anticipated?" - Only because CPS will likely be charging him in the Cash for honours scandal, especially as the American woman has implicated him to directly to police. Apparently, Levy bluntly offerred to arrange a peerage for her British husband for a large donation to the party. So much for Levy denying any wrongdoing.
Lord Levy, a major contributor to labour sleaze, will be finally leaving! Was it "Anticipated?" - Only because CPS will likely be charging him in the Cash for honours scandal, especially as the American woman has implicated him to directly to police. Apparently, Levy bluntly offerred to arrange a peerage for her British husband for a large donation to the party. So much for Levy denying any wrongdoing.
Posted by: diana, london on 7:52am today
Referring to Barry's comment about an American girl, her name is Courtney Coventry. A good friend of mine worked on the Cash for Honours inquiry and she said Courtney Coventry (who is american) contacted them via email with a very damaging statement (and documents to support it) about Lord Levy which would on its own justify charges to be brought against him.
Referring to Barry's comment about an American girl, her name is Courtney Coventry. A good friend of mine worked on the Cash for Honours inquiry and she said Courtney Coventry (who is american) contacted them via email with a very damaging statement (and documents to support it) about Lord Levy which would on its own justify charges to be brought against him.
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Labels: Cash for Honours, courtney coventry, Lord Levy
Lord "Cashpoint" Levy Announces He Will Stand Down as Middle East Envoy
Levy, also know as Lord Cashpoint after being arrested in recent months by police investigating cash for honours, claimed his departure "has always been anticipated and is not different to many other similar positions."
Lord Levy was arrested on suspicion of possible infringements of honours and election laws in July 2006, and, six months later, arrested again on suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. His arrests came during a year-long inquiry into allegations that honours had been sold.
The Crown Prosecution Service was given a 216-page report by Police in April. PM Blair was among 136 people interviewed by Scotland Yard . All parties questioned thus far deny any wrongdoing.
Simply because Lord Levy repeats over and over again that he "denies any wrongdoing" does not make it any more believable. Levy was a strong contributor to the years of Labour Sleaze who,along with Blair, is finally on his way out. Too bad we still have to suffer with the rest of them.
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Labels: Blair, Labour Sleaze, lord cashpoint, Lord Levy, Resigns
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Government Takes Big Brother to New Heights
Merseyside's assistant chief constable Simon Byrne said, "We're always looking at ways of putting more officers on the streets, and maximising technology is a powerful way of achieving this. Our drone will be used primarily to support our anti-social behaviour taskforce AXIS, in gathering all important evidence to put offenders before the courts. For us, this is a cost-effective way of helping to catch criminals and supports similar technology we're already using in our vans and helicopter."
Deputy director, Stephen Cahill, said, "We are pleased to support Merseyside Police in their efforts to reduce crime through the use of new technology. This trial is the first of its kind in the country and we're excited about its potential."
The images recorded by these silent night-vision equipped "spy drones" cameras are sent back to a police support vehicle or control room.
This latest development is enlightening and terrifying. The 4.2 Million CCTV cameras and the new "talking" cameras obviously do not satisfactorily fulfill the Government's desire to monitor our every move. They have now turned to "spy planes" which they claim are in the interest of public safety. This is a horrifying window into the future of things to come, especially if Labour wins the next general election. If this level of government intrusion was occurring in another country such as Russia, it would be condemned.
With millions of CCTV cameras, spy planes, and the government's plan to profile people who MAY commit crimes the future of UK is beginning to look more like the movie the Minority Report than the country we know and love.
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Labels: big brother, government instrusion, Labour, spy plane
Monday, 21 May 2007
Government Plans to Profile "Potential" Criminals and Victims
Home Office plans reveal that council staff, charity workers and doctors among others will be obligated to inform police of any person they believe MAY commit a violent crime.
The leaked Home Office document states, "Public bodies will have access to valuable information about people at risk of becoming either perpetrators or victims of serious violence. Professionals will obviously alert police or other relevant authority if they have good reason to believe an act of serious violence is about to be committed. However, our proposal goes beyond that, and is that, when they become sufficiently concerned about an individual, they must consider initial risk assessment of risk to/from that person and refer (the) case to (a) multi-agency body."
Under the plan two agencies would be formed, one for potential criminals, and the other for potential victims. The plan suggests that these bodies could share information received and carry out "full risk assessments".
Danger signs of potential criminals could include a violent family background, heavy drinking or mental health problems, while potential victims may seek treatment for stress from their GP.
If this plan succeeds children who, through no fault of their own, have been raised in a violent family could be profiled as potential criminals. Millions of people who have grown up in adverse conditions as well as those who have mild mental health problems function successfully in society without EVER committing a crime. Further to that, if someone seeks counseling for stress it does not necessarily mean they are a potential victim of a crime. If this is allowed to continued both assumptions being made by the government could be self-fulfilling. A person who is not a criminal but, because of his background, is treated as such may as a result become a criminal. This government is going too far. If you have not watched the movie Minority Report, go rent it. It is not the best movie but, although fictional and far-fetched, it shows an exaggerated version the results of profiling "potential" criminals.
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Labels: big brother, government intrusion, potential criminal profile
Question of the Week
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Police Cheif Fears "An Orwellian Situation" In Britain
Deputy chief constable of Hampshire Ian Readhead said Britain could become a surveillance society with cameras on every street corner. He fears the spread of CCTV cameras is leading to "an Orwellian situation".
Readhead expressed concerns about CCTV being used in small towns and villages where crime rates were low and whether the relatively low crime levels justified the expense and intrusion.
Mr Readhead also called for the retention of some DNA evidence and the use of speed cameras to be reviewed.
"I'm really concerned about what happens to the product of these cameras, and what comes next?" Readhead said. "If it's in our villages, are we really moving towards an Orwellian situation where cameras are at every street corner? I really don't think that's the kind of country that I want to live in."
I couldn't agree with Readhead more. If not now, when do we draw the line? There are already up to 4.2 million CCTV cameras in Britain which is about one for every 14 people. The UK also has the world's biggest DNA database, with 3.6 million DNA samples on file. Labour will make it mandatory to own biometric ID Cards if it wins the next election. What is next? Will the government decide it is necessary for our safety to implant microchips under our skin or put CCTV cameras in our houses? This may sound far fetched but so did biometric ID Cards or "Talking" CCTV cameras 20 years ago.
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Labels: biometric id cards, cctv cameras, dna, surveillance society
Saturday, 19 May 2007
Another Embarrassing Report for the Government
Tony Blair, John Reid and Lord Falconer have claimed that too many criminals are being jailed.
Lord Falconer, the newly-created Justice Secretary, announced this month that tens of thousands of burglars and other thieves would receive community punishments instead of jail sentences. The Prime Minister signalled that there should be greater emphasis on rehabilitating offenders, tougher community sentences and crime prevention in March, and Home Secretary Mr Reid caused outrage in January by urging the courts to use jail sentences only as a last resort. Due to this paedophiles, muggers, burglars and heroin dealers walked free from court.
However, a Home Office report has concluded that stiffer prison sentences deter crime. This contradicts Labour plans to hand out softer punishments
Key Points in the Report
"Custodial sentences of at least a year are most effective in reducing re offending."
Figures showed that 70 per cent of convicts jailed for under 12 months re-offended within two years, compared with 49 per cent of those sentenced to between one and four years and 36 per cent of those serving at least four years
Men and women released from prison within a year had on average 13 previous convictions – suggesting shorter jail sentences were failing as a deterrent.
Prisoners released from longer sentences were less likely to re- offend because they were older, had time to be rehabilitated and had been convicted of more serious "one-off" offences.
Last night, the Conservatives blamed the "abysmal" situation on Labour’s failure to build enough prison places. Philip Davies, the Tory MP who uncovered the report, said: "The Government are at sixes and sevens. Because the Chancellor has consistently refused to invest in building more prisons, that has resulted in their being full. The Government now have to pretend that prison does not work after all, and that it is tougher not to send people to prison and to give them so-called tough community sentences."A Home Office spokesman said the relationship between prison sentences and re-offending rates was "quite complex".
He said the report did not contradict the Government’s view. Is the Home Office spokesman reading the same report?
This comment is clearly the work of Gordon Brown and his "political spin" team. Rather than accept responsibility for the lack of investment in building prisons, Labour is attempting to claim that tough community sentences are best and prison should be a last resort despite the fact that their own Home Office Report contradicts them.
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Labels: Gordon Brown, John Reid, Lord Falconer, political spin, Prisons, Tony Blair
Labour Desperately Seeking Partner
Welsh Labour leader Rhodri Morgan is desperately seeking a deal.
Labour, the largest party after May's election, may be forced out of power if a coalition between Plaid Cymru, Conservatives and Lib Dems is formed. Following the 3 May election, Labour remained the largest party in the assembly with 26 seats but was left without a majority in the 60-seat chamber. Plaid Cymru has 15 seats in the new assembly, the Conservatives 12 and Liberal Democrats 6.
On Thursday, Lib Dem AMs and the Welsh party's national executive met in Llandrindod Wells where they decided to suspend talks with Labour in favour of seeking a deal with Plaid Cymru and the Conservatives.
Mr Morgan, who has been first minister since 2000, said he believed Labour could still form a government,"We are ready to govern but with a partner."
Morgan continues to say,"I still think there are many twists and turns in this tale before it's all over." This particular statement I agree with. It shall be interesting and all we can do now is watch the saga unfold.
A new first minister must be chosen by 30 May to avoid another election.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Brown Will Be New Leader of Labour and Prime Minister
Mr Brown's campaign said they would await the formal voting figures announced by the party on Thursday before making any statement however, shortly after 6pm yesterday, Gordon Brown reached the crucial total of 308 nominations needed to avoid a contest. The chancellor's only rival, John McDonnell, conceded after Mr Brown secured enough nominations from Labour MPs to stop him getting the 45 needed. Gordon Brown will be confirmed as Tony Blair's successor when nominations for the Labour leadership and deputy leadership close at 1230 BST.
Brown has achieved his long standing goal of becoming Labour Leader and Prime Minister. He will now have to wait a further 42 days before Tony Blair formally hands over the reins of power. Meanwhile, in Whitehall the transition to a Brown premiership has begun. Officials are currently working on Mr Brown's blueprint for power and preparing for a radical Cabinet reshuffle.
Liberal Democrat leader Menzies Campbell said the fact Mr Brown would be unopposed meant it was even more important that there was a General Election. "The country is surely entitled to pass judgement on whether he should become the most powerful politician in the country," he said.
Campbell has a point. Even though Brown has made promises to improve education standards, an extension of GPs' hours and a house building programme when he takes over is that really enough? Promises are very easy to make and we will have to wait and see if he actually follows through with them. Personally, I wouldn't hold my breath. The greater question is, do the British people want Brown in office at all or, as Campbell said, are we "entitled to pass judgement on whether he should become the most powerful politician in the country?"
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Labels: Gordon Brown, Labour Leadership, political spin
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Brown to Attack Blair Over Education
Gordon Brown will attack Tony Blair's education reforms today in an attempt to further distance himself from the Prime Minister. The Chancellor will describe numeracy rates among young children as "unacceptable" for one of the world's leading economies. "It is unacceptable that we still have 150,000 children leaving primary school who aren't numerate. Both a strong economy and an inclusive society require a fully numerate population." Brown will go on to admit that the Labour Government has failed to deliver a "world class" education system.
Blair will not look kindly on this latest strategy in Brown's campaign. When Blair came to power in 1997 he claimed "Education, education, education " was his priority. Today in contrast with Gordon Brown's recent comments, he believes he succeeded. Blair recently said "Education, education, education was how I described my priorities at the outset of this Government. A decade on, this report shows we meant it".
As I said in a previous post regarding Blair's eduaction reforms, it is progress to renovate and build new facilities for students. However, the current problem does not lie with the facilities, but rather with the education they receive inside them.
Mr Brown claims he will try to shift the emphasis of Labour's education policies away from changes to school structures to core activities in the classroom.
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Labels: education reform, Gordon Brown, Labour, Tony Blair
Government Targets Divert Police From Serious Cases to Deal With Trivial Crimes
The Police Federation of England and Wales says government targets lead to "ludicrous" decisions and warns that detectives are being diverted from serious cases to deal with trivial crimes.
The federation will debate the issue during its annual conference in Blackpool. At the conference police will discuss whether judging officers purely on numbers of arrests, cautions or on-the-spot fines is the best way to assess success. After reading examples from a dossier of "ludicrous" cases it claims are the result of Home Office targets, clearly it is not.
The following are actual cases detailed in the dossier.
A man from Cheshire who was cautioned for being "found in possession of an egg with intent to throw"
A child in Kent who was arrested after removing a slice of cucumber from a sandwich and throwing it at another youngster
A West Midlands woman arrested on her wedding day for criminal damage after her foot slipped on her accelerator pedal and her vehicle damaged a car park barrier
A 70-year-old Cheshire pensioner who was arrested for criminal damage after cutting back a neighbour's conifer trees
A federation spokesman said these cases were a direct result of officers being "so busy chasing targets and securing ticks in boxes". The list of compiled cases showed incidents where officers had been "under such pressure to deliver it has resulted in an arrest or caution when even the officer themselves thinks it is ludicrous", he said . It is not surprising even the officers themselves thought the arrests/cautions ludicrous. They seem more appropriate as part of my Absurd News of the Week than in a police federation dossier.
Shadow home secretary David Davis said Whitehall targets were "stopping the police from doing what the public want them to do". He added, "Conservatives would free the police from Labour's red tape so they can be deployed onto our streets where the public want them."
Monday, 14 May 2007
Damning Report Questions Gordon Brown's Welfare Reforms
Mr Brown claims to have slashed youth unemployment and transformed life for the poor. However, according to a damning report that questions Gordon Brown's welfare reforms, youth unemployment is sharply higher than when Labour came to power. Despite Labour spending almost £2 billion on the New Deal, the number of people aged 18-24 out of work has risen by 70,000 to 505,000 since its launch in 1998.
Last week the National Association of Head Teachers said that schools were producing an "army of the unemployable" as tens of thousands of teenagers quit education at 16 with no qualifications. This was emphasized by the Bow Group, a Conservative-affiliated think tank, which tracked secondary school pupils over three years and found thousands had gone missing from school rolls.
Frank Field, the former welfare minister, says that the New Deal has been "woeful". He continued, "The results show that even if the money was available, which it isn't, more of the same won't work and will be a betrayal of young unemployed people. As part of the Labour leadership contest it is important for the Chancellor, and the candidates for the deputy leadership, to tell the electorate how best to move the 505,000 unemployed young people into work, as the New Deal is failing to do so."
Mr Field backs up the a criticism of the Tories that many of the young people helped into employment by the New Deal would have found a job anyway "Moreover, the number and proportion of young people finding work as a result of their New Deal has collapsed from 51 per cent in 1998 to 34 per cent in 2005," he adds. "Youth unemployment is higher than when Labour was elected in 1997, and rising.
The figures are in sharp contrast to the claim by Jim Murphy, the employment and welfare minister, who said in an article that "youth employment has been virtually abolished". .
This does not bode well for Brown as he attempts to rebuild public trust. As I said before, a package disguised in different wrapping is still the same package. It is just a little more attractive until you open it. With these latest developments it appears Brown is still very much subscribed to Blair's philosophy of political spin, despite recent attempts to distance himself.
Question of the Week
Blair claimed that Labour's multi-billion pound programme to renovate England's classrooms illustrated how he had lived up to his now famous promise to prioritise "education, education, and education".
The measure of Mr. Blair's success is dependent on whether you place a greater value on the buildings in which students attend school or the level of education achieved within them.
Do you believe Blair has been successful in his promise to reform education?
For the article relating to this question read Blair Attempts to Promote His Success in Education Reform
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Blair Attempts to Promote His Success in Education Reform
Blair claimed that Labour's multi-billion pound programme to renovate England's classrooms illustrated how he had lived up to his now famous promise to prioritise "education, education, and education".
A survey of local authorities in England found that since 1997 there have been 1,106 new schools, 27,000 new or improved classrooms and 2,300 new or refurbished school kitchens built. In the 450 most recently built schools, new indoor toilets had been provided, so no children have to use outside loos any more, the report said. It also said that sports facilities had been improved or provided for the first time in 2,450 schools in England.
In his introduction to the report, Mr Blair said: "The programme of renewal is truly historic. It compares to the legacy of the Victorians and the post-war generation. Generations of young people will benefit. Twenty years of under-investment is being steadily reversed."
He continued: "Before 1997, schools and colleges suffered decades of under-investment. Buildings were decaying. Thousands of young people endured shabby facilities, temporary classrooms, leaking roofs or outside toilets. "New buildings were desperately needed, but the funding simply wasn't there."
"Education, education, education was how I described my priorities at the outset of this Government," Mr Blair said. "A decade on, this report shows we meant it".
It is progress to renovate and built new facilities for students however, the current problem does not lie with the facilities, but rather with the education they receive inside them.
There was no improvement in education in 2005. This is from the Telegraph 17/05/2005 "The number of failing secondary schools has gone up despite the Government's focus on improving standards through the "reform" of comprehensive education." Today there is still no improvement. This from The telegraph 09/05/07 "Last year, one in 10 pupils - 75,000 - failed to obtain five GCSEs of whatever grade. That figure has remained the same since 1999. Of these, 26,000 pupils fail to achieve a single GCSE."
The measure of Mr. Blair's success is dependent on whether you place a greater value on the buildings in which students attend school or the level of education achieved within them.
Absurd News of the Week
Balloon of Naked Man Floating in Milan's Main Park
MILAN, Italy — It would take one very large fig leaf to restore modesty to Milan's main park after the installation of a 70-foot floating sculpture of a naked man.
The balloon self-portrait by Polish artist Pawel Althamer has been hovering outside the Renaissance Palazzina Appiani in Parco Sempione since Monday, drawing second takes, amused looks and disapproving concern about exposing children to nudity.
"To be honest with you, it's nothing new," said Rosaria Mirabelli, mother of 3-year-old Tommaso who stared at the sculpture from the back of his mother's bicycle.
"He sees his father naked. In this park we see so many worse things than a naked man," she said, referring to the park's reputation as a haven for drug users.
On weekday afternoons, the park is given over to mothers, nannies and grandparents with preschool age children in tow, along with a few joggers, cyclists and dog owners.
I do not understand why a person would put, or have a desire to look at, a massive balloon of a naked man. Perhaps someone could enlighten me.
A Chocolate Treat Straight From a Horror Movie
If you are a lover of chocolate bars I do not suggest you read this. After this, I may not indulge chocolate bars for quite some time.
A man in Germany is enjoying his chocolate bar when he notices something strange bump.
It turned out to be part of a human finger.
“He found a fingertip, complete with fingernail, right in the middle of the bar,” said a police spokesman in the town of Mainz, close to Frankfurt. “I suppose it went unnoticed because there were nuts in the chocolate and it was hard to tell the difference,” the police spokesman said, adding the fingertip was being examined by forensic experts.
Despite request the police have refused to mention the brand.
Previous Absurd News of the Week
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Gordon Brown Attempts to Rebuild Public Trust
Mr Brown pledged to govern “in a different way’’ yesterday when launching his campaign to lead Labour and become Prime Minister. He promised a clean break with the Blair years as he admitted “mistakes” had been made in Iraq, hinted at a review of ID cards and vowed to end the cult of celebrity. Brown also said he would restore power to Parliament and rebuild the public trust in democracy.
Yesterday, in a low-profile launch which was in sharp contrast to Blair’s carefully-choreographed grandiose farewell, the Chancellor quickly distanced himself from the spin and obsession with image of Blair while emphasizing his own "moral compass." Brown promised measures would be taken to make government more accountable to Parliament over decisions to go to war and senior public appointments, with a new code of ministerial conduct, to be followed by a major programme of constitutional reform. When speaking about Iraq, he said: “I accept that mistakes have been made”.
Mr Brown indicated that he would stick with Blairite health reforms and a push to increase the number of affordable homes. Policies that are seen as essential to keep on board "middle Britain" voters who helped Mr Blair win three election victories.
Brown's statements sound promising however George Osborne, his Conservative shadow, had it correct when he said: "After 10 years of waiting, all Gordon Brown has given us is reheated slogans and a promise to listen - when all the evidence shows he's incapable of acknowledging his mistakes."
Brown is responsible for the pension disaster and his tax credit system has handed out 6 Billion in overpayment and lost a further 1.4 Billion due to fraud. If this is Brown's track record should we not be concerned that he will be responsible for running the country? As for distancing himself from Blair, it is nothing more than political spin. A package disguised in different wrapping is still the same package. It is just a little more attractive until you open it.
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Labels: Gordon Brown, Labour Leadership, political spin, Tony Blair
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Home Office Attempts to Hide Rising Cost of ID Cards
The Home Office has been accused of a "pathetic" attempt to hide that the projected cost of identity cards has jumped to £105. Ministers chose not to fulfill their legal duty to update Parliament on the price of the scheme at the end of March. Instead they waited over a month to give out the details at the same time as the Prime Minister, the project's main supporter, was announcing when he would leave office. Ministers hoped that the PM's announcement would overshadow these new increases. The estimated price of the scheme has increased by £640million in six months. This means that the ID cards will now cost £105 which is a 13 % increase over the previous figure of £93 for each card which the British public will have no option but to pay.
Shadow home secretary David Davis said: "The public will see through this transparent and pathetic attempt to bury bad news. It is also no surprise the Government has had to revise their cost estimate up by so much in less than a year and undermines their criticism of the independent London School of Economics cost estimate of up to £20bn."
Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg said the bad news was "illegally postponed", illustrating the "depths of cynicism" to which ministers were resorting to force through the scheme.
The Civil rights group Liberty said the "dangerous and expensive" card plan should leave Downing Street with its author.
ID cards will carry biometric details on every Briton, as well as up to 50 pieces of sensitive information.
Home Secretary John Reid insists they will make travel easier, proof of age more convenient and proof of identity more secure. Reid's statement is exactly what this Labour Government wants the public to believe while burying the implications of the scheme just as they attempted to bury the increase is cost of the cards.
For the few people out there who still believe the governments spin and think that ID cards may not be such a bad idea please consider the following. Those who will get the ID's, simply because it is the law and not because they have any desire to have their personal biometric information stored on a card , are the law abiding citizens who should not have to. If Labour seriously believes criminals will line up on day one, or at any other time, they need a reality check. The next question is, when ID cards do not achieve the desired results what is next? Microchips implanted under our skin? It may sound far fetched but so did biometric ID cards 20 years ago. We can only hope Labour does not win the next election. I enjoy my freedom. Well, what's left of it anyway. Still not convinced? Visit http://www.no2id.net/ . It will give you a very different perspective on the issue. "There is no evidence the system will produce the stated benefits. Less liberty does not imply greater security." (from the no2id website)
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Labels: biometric id cards, ID cards, labour deception, no2id
Blair Announces He Will Stand Down on 27 June
After briefing the Cabinet on his plans Blair made the announcement he would stand down as Prime Minister in a speech to party activists in his Sedgefield constituency. Blair will stay on in Downing Street until the Labour Party elects a new leader who is expected to be Gordon Brown.
In an emotional speech, Mr Blair said he had been prime minister for 10 years which was "long enough" for the country and himself. He thanked the British people for their support and apologised for when "I have fallen short". Blair acknowledged his government had not always lived up to high expectations but said that he had been "very blessed" to lead "the greatest nation on earth". He wen t on to add "I did what I thought was right for our country," Mr Blair said, summing up his record. I came into office with high hopes for Britain's future, and, you know, I leave it with even higher hopes for Britain's future." In conclusion, he said: "Actually I've been lucky and very blessed. And this country is a blessed nation. The British are special - the world knows it, in our innermost thoughts we know it. This is the greatest nation on earth."
Shortly after Mr Blair's announcement, the deputy prime minister and deputy Labour leader John Prescott also announced his intention to stand down.
Brown, who is expected to launch his campaign for leadership Friday, said of Blair: "I think I spoke for millions when I said at Cabinet today that Tony Blair's achievements are unique, unprecedented and enduring." He went on to add that Mr Blair's legacy would also be better public services and a strong economy adding "Britain's reputation in the world is stronger than ever before. At all times he tried to do the right thing".
Conservative leader David Cameron posted his reaction to Blair's speech on his website. He said: "I think a lot of people will look back on the last 10 years of dashed hopes and big disappointments, of so much promised so little delivered." Mr Cameron has said the country faces seven weeks of "paralysis" until Labour chooses a new top team, accusing Mr Blair of running a government of the "living dead".
Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell joined Cameron in criticizing Blair. He said that he thought Mr Blair's speech was "defensive, defiant, and even chauvinist at the end talking about Great Britain as being the best country in the world".
Only time will tell whose account of the "Blair Years" will go down in history. However one thing is certain, it was time for Blair to go.
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Brown Can't Run An Effective Tax Credit System ... Now We Expect Him to Run the Government?
Gordon Brown's tax credits system has handed out nearly £6 billion of overpayments over the past three years. Officials have already had to write off more than £500 million of overpayments and are "unlikely" to recover a further £1.4 billion according to a report by MPs. the MPs stressed that a further £1.28 billion of tax credits was lost in a single year as a result of "unacceptable" levels of fraud and error. The report also says that the Government has not introduced additional checks on tax credit claims submitted by migrant workers from Eastern European countries that have joined the EU.
According to the Public Accounts select committee tax credits now suffer the highest levels of fraud and error in the whole of the Government.
We already know about the pension disaster under Brown and the tax credit system he is responsible for hands out 6 Billion in overpayment and loses a further 1.4 Billion due to fraud. If this is Brown's track record should we not be concerned that he will be responsible for running the country?
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Labels: disaster, Gordon Brown, Labour Party, tax credit
In Anticipation of Blair Announcing His Resignation ... Quotes to Remember Him By
In anticipation of Tony Blair returning on Thursday to his Sedgefield constituency for the long-awaited announcement that he is standing down as leader of the Labour Party here are a few interesting quotes from his time as PM.
From Prime Minister's Questions, 30 July 1997:
Sir Michael Spicer: Looking back on the past 96 days, and with the benefit of hindsight, what does the Prime Minister think has been his worst mistake--losing control over interest rates, raiding pension funds, robbing the reserves, or what?
The Prime Minister: Certainly our greatest triumph has been to remove the Conservative Government. As for my greatest mistake, that is for me to know and for the hon. Gentleman to find out.
Well Mr Blair, we have found out and there is quite a list.
Blair Quotes ...
"This party will, ultimately, be judged on its ability to deliver on its promise" ... Based on the numerous broken promises I'm not sure Blair would feel the same way today :)
"I didn't come into politics to change the Labour Party. I came into politics to change the country." From Tony Blair's speech to Labour Party conference October 1995. Blair did succeed in changing the country, however not in a good way.
"Ask me my three priorities for Government, and I tell you: education, education and education." ... I have a few quotes for Blair regarding his priority.
1. There was no improvement in education in 2005. This is from the Telegraph 17/05/2005 "The number of failing secondary schools has gone up despite the Government's focus on improving standards through the "reform" of comprehensive education."
2. There is still no improvement today. This from today's telegraph "Last year, one in 10 pupils - 75,000 - failed to obtain five GCSEs of whatever grade. That figure has remained the same since 1999. Of these, 26,000 pupils fail to achieve a single GCSE."
Speech in Paris, May 1997.
“Labour is the party of law and order in Britain today. Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.” Violent and serious crimes have increased. If Blair meant he would be "tough on crime" by installing "talking" cctv cameras to yell at children for littering as they walk down the street then he has succeeded at that.
"We'll negotiate a withdrawal from the EEC"(now the EU)"which has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs". Tony Blair, before he became an MP, in 1983. Mr Blair is now an enthusiastic supporter of the EU and asserts that Britain must "be at the heart of Europe". It is very possible that Blair intends to use his final weeks as Prime Minister to in office to surrender British powers to Brussels as part of his drive for a European "legacy" irrespective of the fact that the majority of the public are very much opposed to this.
"Power without principle is barren, but principle without power is futile. This is a party of government, and I will lead it as a party of government." Blair has had his time with barren power. Soon he will no longer have power and his principles are long gone so what will be left?
In the spirit of the transfer of Labour leadership, one final quote from Gordon Brown about Tony Blair. "There is nothing that you could say to me now that I could ever believe." (To Tony Blair by Gordon Brown) That pretty much sums up the public's view on Blair. The only thing Brown didn't mention is that is sums up the public's view of him as well.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Rally Yesterday Demanding Amnesty for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants
Well known figures who joined in the protest included Dr Tom Butler the Anglican Bishop of Southwark, Labour deputy leadership contender Jon Cruddas, Baroness Shirley Williams and Billy Bragg, the singer and political activist.
Both Labour, apart from the Deputy Leader contender Jon Cruddas, (which is no surprise as Labour can rarely agree within the party) and the Conservatives have rejected the idea thankfully.
The shadow home affairs minister, Damian Green, said "We are not attracted to the idea of an amnesties. Experience from abroad shows that they attract illegal immigration. The long-term solution is to have an efficient asylum system which allows people to have their case heard quickly, so that we do not develop the huge backlog from which this government now suffers."
Green is correct. The last thing the UK needs is more illegal immigration. Offering amnesty to the illegal immigrants currently here would simply invite more people to illegally enter and reside in Britain. It would be effectively rewarding immigrants for getting away with breaking the law by living illegally in the UK for an extended period of time . It is completely illogical and would simply serve to make the problem even worse than it already is.
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Labels: amnesty, illegal immigrants, immigration, protest
Monday, 7 May 2007
Brown Hopes That By Bringing In A Younger Cabinet He Will Have A Better Chance a Challenging Cameron
Brown hopes a Cabinet with a younger yet still experienced image will give Labour a fresh start and counter the challenge of David Cameron after the Conservatives success in last week's elections. When Mr Brown takes over it looks as though the four most senior posts in Government, prime minister, chancellor, foreign secretary and now home secretary are most likely changing.
This large cabinet restructure would the largest since 1997. Brown is attempting to make a clean brake with the Blair years and resurrect Labour. The only problem facing Labour is that the voters support Brown only marginally more than Blair. After the past 10 years the British public are no longer that easily fooled. Brown will create new slogans and spin however the same package in different wrapping paper is still the same package.
Brown will need to perform a miracle to gain the support of the country after the past 10 years of broken promises and Labour sleaze. A miracle which I hope, for our country's sake, never materializes.
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Labels: Cabinet restructure, Gordon Brown, Labour Party
Scotland In Crisis After Lib Dems Refuse Coalition with SNP
Scotland was in turmoil last night after Liberal Democrat leader Nicol Stephen refused Alex Salmond's offer of a share in a coalition government. Stephen demanded that the SNP instantly drop their demands for a referendum on independence.
In a powerful statement issued after two days of talks Stephen said that the way was now open for nationalists to try to form a minority government as the Liberal Democrats had earlier also categorically ruled out a coalition deal with Labour. It now appears that a minority SNP administration is Mr Salmond's only option.
The Scottish Parliament will meet to swear in new MSPs on Tuesday and have only 24 days to elect a First Minister or a new election must be called.
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Labels: coalition, elections, Scottish parliment, SNP
Sunday, 6 May 2007
Question of the Week
Does it concern you that Tony Blair intends to use his final weeks in office to surrender British powers to Brussels as part of his drive for a European "legacy" ? Bearing in mind the repercussion this may have on the future of Britain do you believe Blair is more concerned with securing his "legacy" during his final weeks in office or the future of the country?
The article relating to this can be found at Blair's Desire for a European Legacy
Previous Question of the Week 30 April ,
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Labels: Blair, final weeks in office, legacy, question of the week
Blair's Desire for a "European" Legacy Is More Important to Him than the Impact His Actions Will Have on Britain
Senior Whitehall officials claim that Tony Blair intends to use his final weeks in office to surrender British powers to Brussels as part of his drive for a European "legacy" despite the future repercussions. Prime Minister Blair will effectively be binding the hands of Gordon Brown by committing Britain to a rewritten version of the European Union constitution days before he finally resigns at the end of June.
Mr Blair's has wanted to do forge closer links with France and Germany since coming to power in 1997. This action by Blair will dash Labour's hopes of a "stable and orderly transition" of power when Mr Blair announces his departure plans later this week. Brown will have a series of difficult and time consuming negotiations to undertake to undo any or all of Mr Blair's moves to sign away powers. These negotiations would likely dominate Brown's tenure at number 10.
Yesterday a senior civil servant said, "The concern is that the outgoing Prime Minister will take constitutional decisions which will bind both his successor and the country for years. There is a worry he believes this should be part of his political legacy and that he will be acting as an individual and not the leader of a government." This seems to be a very accurate statement.
Blair is consumed by ensuring his legacy and will do so, it seems, even at the expense of the country he was entrusted to run.
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Labels: Europe, Gordon Brown, Labour Party, Prime Minister, Tony Blair
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Sucessful Result for David Cameron and the Conservatives
David Cameron's Conservatives have strong hopes of winning the next general election. And they should do after Labour suffered a historic national collapse yesterday. the Chancellor now faces what some say is an insurmountable task to restore a party which has been severely damaged weeks before he is due to take over from Tony Blair.
The Conservatives 40 per cent share of the vote would translate at a general election into a majority of about 20. Cameron is on the right track to victory in the next general election. The British Public have shown they have had their share of the era of Labour sleaze, broken promises and scandals. We are looking for new direction and, after winning over 850 council seats, it is becoming apparent Cameron in the person for the job. With results in from 303 councils, the Tories had won 856 new seats and taken control of another 38 authorities, many in areas which for a decade have been hostile to the Tories.
SNP Victory Over Labour - Embarrassment for Brown
The SNP is victorious. The SNP won a total of 47 of the 129 seats. Labour was just one behind on 46. Britain's political map was reshaped in a dramatic result last night after the Scottish National Party ended Labour's 50-year dominance of Scotland. This is certainly to cast a shadow over Gordon Brown's expected "coronation" as Prime Minister.
Labour took a kicking from voters across Britain in the final electoral verdict on Tony Blair's decade at Number 10. This defeat was highly symbolic for not only Labour but Blair and Brown as well. Mr Brown regards Scotland as his political power base. He had taken a central role in Labour's unsuccessful campaign to halt the nationalist advance.
Labour cabinet ministers, including John Reid, the Home Secretary, and Hazel Blears, the party chairman, gave television and radio interviews however Brown attempted to distance himself from Labour's defeat in Scotland and setbacks in the rest of the UK. Instead Mr Brown issued a press release in which he promised that Labour would "listen and learn" the lessons of its defeat.
SNP leader Alex Salmond said last night that Labour had lost its "divine right" to rule Scotland. "Scotland has changed for good and forever." But it will not be smooth sailing for Salmond as he attempts to put together a coalition that will enable him to become Scotland's First Minister. The SNP's narrow victory threatens uncertainty and potential instability, particularly if Mr Salmond seeks confrontation with a Government led by Mr Brown.
Mr Salmond will need the support of at least two other parties to form a majority government. The most likely candidates are the Liberal Democrats and the Greens. However a rather large stumbling block for the other parties support will be Mr Salmond's commitment to hold a referendum on independence within four years. Yesterday the SNP leader appeared to slightly change his tune on this issue by saying there was scope for "flexibility". Jack McConnell, the Scottish Labour leader and current First Minister, refused to concede defeat last night. He pledged to "keep all options open" and said Labour would be "reflecting" on how best to move forward.
Mr Blair attempted to minimise the repercussions of the worse electoral performance of his premiership. He claimed it provided "a perfectly good springboard to go on and win the next General Election."
David Cameron passed his first big electoral test as the Conservatives won 860 council seats in England and emerged with the strongest showing in local government for almost 30 years.
Blair, Brown and Labour can try to convince themselves that the result was not a disaster. The British people have spoken and Labour's era of sleaze and corruption has passed. As the results show the people are looking for new direction and are ready to send Labour packing. It is a shame that Brown will not have the courage to call a general election when Blair resigns.
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Labels: Blair, Brown, Labour, Salmond, SNP, uk-election-2007
Absurd News of the Week - Skulls and Frog Juice
Two stories this week for but they are not for the faint hearted.
Human Skulls in Man's Apartment
In Chicago four human skulls were discovered in a man's apartment, one boiling in a pot of water, but authorities said charges aren't likely.
"It doesn't seem to be anything nefarious at this time," police Lt. Perry Nigro said. The 26-year-old owner of the skulls makes anatomical models for a living and appeared to be using them for medical purposes, Nigro said.
"As weird as it is, it doesn't seem like anything is wrong," Nigro said.
Police searched the apartment after someone who wanted to buy a mannequin in the home visited late Tuesday and saw the skulls on a porch and inside, with one boiling on the stove.
The man left and called police, Nigro said.
The skulls were turned over to the Cook County medical examiner's office, Nigro said.
The skulls' owner told authorities that he imported them legally from China.
Whether this is legal or not it is highly disturbing. If I lived next door I would be moving rather quickly.
Frog Juice instead of Coffee ... somehow I don't think this will catch on here
Frog juice is apparently a beverage revered by some Andean cultures for having the power to cure asthma, bronchitis, sluggishness and a low sex drive. A drink of so-called "Peruvian Viagra" sells for about 90 cents. It is made of three ladles of hot, white bean broth, two generous spoonfuls of honey, raw aloe vera plant and several tablespoons of maca _ an Andean root also believed to boost stamina and sex drive _ into a household blender.Then she drops the frog in.Once strained, the result is a starchy, milkshake-like liquid that stings the throat.At least 50 customers a day ask for steaming beer mugs of frog juice at Gonzalez's countertop-only restaurant in eastern Lima, and many treat the concoction as their morning _ and afternoon _ cup of coffee.Rebeca Borja, a 53-year-old housewife and mother of five, originally from Lima's central highland city of Huancayo, where the beverage is common, said simply: "It gives you power." The only comment I can make on this is how revolting!! Im sure there are better ways to get a boost of energy ie. red bull.
Friday, 4 May 2007
Tony Blair Defiant but Delusional over Election Results on His Way Out
Tony Blair insisted today Labour had "a perfectly good springboard to go on and win the next General Election." Was Blair watching the same results as the rest of us? Labour lost hundreds of English council seats, saw power slip away in the Welsh Assembly and woke to see the fight against the SNP for the Scottish Parliament on a knife-edge. The results set the scene for a close-fought general election between David Cameron and Gordon Brown with Cameron having a very good chance at victory.
Mr Cameron enjoyed a good night. Conservatives got the equivalent to a 41 per cent share of a general election vote which is 14 points ahead of Labour's 27 per cent. If repeated at a general election it would give him an overall majority. He declared: "This is a stunning set of results. We are the one national party speaking up for Britain."
Among the Tory gains were control of 15 councils including Chester, Plymouth, North Warwickshire, Gravesham and Dover, Woking, Waverley and South Ribble.
They became the biggest party in Birmingham City for the first time in 24 years.
Labour chair Hazel Blears admitted: "It's a tough time for us." But she said the "fundamentals" were right to win a fourth term. "Ten years into a third term it was always going to be difficult for us," she went on. "But David Cameron has not made the gains he needed. I don't get the sense that people want to sweep us out." If that is what Blears believes she needs a reality check. The British people of tired of the era of Labour Sleaze. It is just too bad that Brown is to scared that he would not win to call a general election to let the people have their say after Blair resigns . I think Blears would be surprised at how quickly the British people do want to sweep them out.
Labour's Worst Election Performance in 35 Years
The morning after the Chancellor is contemplating the repercussions of the final round of national elections on Mr Blair's watch.
Voters turned their backs on Labour. It is Labour's worst election performance in 35 years papers are reporting. Early projections have given the Conservatives 41 per cent of the national vote, bringing David Cameron within reach of a general election victory. VOTE CAMERON!!! :) ( Getting practice in for the General Election)
By 6am the Conservatives had gained 300 seats, while Labour had lost 151 seats and the Liberal Democrats 106 seats.Labour is still set to record its lowest number of councillors since 1973.
The less than brilliant night triggered calls for a fundamental review of the party's direction. I'm amazed Labour waited this long to review the party's direction. Perhaps they should call a general election and let Cameron (ie. a competent leader) run the Country while Labour contemplates its' "new direction".
Labour Does Not Trust it's Ministers to Speak without Instruction
This from the Guardian ... had a good laugh while reading it :)
A briefing paper prepared by the Labour party for ministers appearing on last night's election programmes admitted in advance that the results were likely to go badly. Cabinet ministers were assiduous in following the official line in the 27-page document, passed to the Guardian, which included advice on what to say when asked about Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's relationship and how to rebut Conservative claims that a general election should be called once the new prime minister takes over.
The first of three "key messages" ministers were briefed to explain reads: "This was always a very tough set of mid-term elections for Labour. However, we fully respect the message the British people is sending us this evening."It offered recommended answers to questions about the party's unpopularity and the handover of power to Mr Brown.
Initially, ministers were told they should say: "Let us wait and see what the results are before engaging in speculation. We will know soon enough."Once the results began to come in, the paper said, ministers should reply: "We are midway through an unprecedented third term. All governments experience mid-term setbacks at the polls. In the end what matters is we have the right policies to take the country forward and take the tough decisions for the long term."
John Reid, the home secretary, duly did so on BBC1's election coverage, telling viewers: "We are in the mid-term of a third term, so it will be tough." He later sang the praises of his colleagues - again echoing the briefing document, which said ministers should defend Mr Blair as "the most successful leader and prime minister Labour has ever had" and Mr Brown as the "most successful chancellor ever".
The document advised that if ministers were put on the spot and asked whether Labour should have a proper contest for the leadership, they should say: "Within the rules any MP can decide to stand, providing they meet the criteria. That's how it works in a democratic party."They were then to add that the "only poll that matters is the next general election", and insist there was no "constitutional requirement" for one before 2010.
They were also briefed in advance on how to tackle David Cameron's Conservatives.
Thanks to the Guardian for giving me a good laugh. I'm sure it is not how the story was intended to be taken but I find it highly amusing that Labour does not trust their own Ministers to speak publicly without precise instruction what to say.
Labour Sleaze Resonates on Election Night
An election night opinion poll for the BBC Newsnight programme showed that Mr Blair, who broke records for popularity when he became Prime Minister in 1997, was leaving office with Labour’s reputation deeply tarnished.
The Communicate Research poll showed that fewer than one in five (18 per cent) thought the Labour Party could be trusted to keep its promises. Fifty-nine per cent said they saw Labour as “sleazy".
That has to be difficult for Blair to hear despite being true but then again it is probably why he is running off tail between legs and planning to stand down as an MP immediately after he resigns as Prime Minister.
As Blair's wife Cherie reportedly said to friends, ""Now is the time for us to go and make some money." I'm sure that sounds a much better option than facing the music for the broken promises, cash for honours scandal and disastrous election results ,but I think it is a bit pathetic to run away.
As details of Mr Blair's escape plan seeped out, there was surprise among some Labour MPs that he was "deserting" the party.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Voting Has Now Closed .. We Await the Results
Voting in the Elections has now closed. Labour is expecting heavy losses as the first results are expected around 11:30. Join in my UK Election Live Blog as we find out exactly how embarrassing the results will be for Labour and discuss the impact they will have.
After Blair Announces His Resignation Next Week , Will Also Stand Down as an MP?
Tony Blair is preparing to stand down as an MP after he resigns as Prime Minister, rather than remain in Parliament according to credible reports from Westminister today. The speculation about Mr Blair’s future was triggered by a Press Association report that it had learned Mr Blair was planning to make the announcement on 11 May, a day after he gives a date for leaving Number 10. He has already made clear that he is looking for a life outside politics when he leaves No 10.
Blair is known to want to cash in on his political stature as soon as possible. He has a hefty mortgage on his £3.6 million town house in London, which is being refurbished after the Blairs bought the £800,000 mews house behind it.
Downing Street has thus far denied that Blair will stand down as an MP. Mr Blair’s official spokesman said: “The announcement next week will be solely about the Prime Minister as leader of the Labour Party. He has made no decision whatsoever to stand down as an MP and very firmly remains MP for Sedgefield and proud of it. He is simply going to talk next week about his position as leader of the Labour Party. "
I am the first to support Blair resigning as Prime Minister but to stand down as an MP immediately after shows his true character. Blair is effectively saying, like a child told to give someone else a turn, "if I can't be the leader, I don't want to play." It would be a break with precedent for him to quit as an MP after leaving No 10. His immediate predecessors, including John Major, Margaret Thatcher, James Callaghan and Harold Wilson all remained in the Commons at least until the following general election. Labour MPs predicted he could tour the world lecture circuit, particularly in the United States, write his memoirs and pick up lucrative boardroom directorships. I'm sure these are far more interesting prospects for Mr. Blair than to continue to serve his constituents.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Live Blogging UK Election
I will be live blogging election night. Hope to see you there. I've got the champagne on ice eagerly awaiting a very embarrassing result for labour. The British people have had enough lets hope they vote accordingly.
I've dedicated a blog exclusively for the election. To join in the live blog click the link "UK Election Live Blog".
Blogs that will be live blogging are:
UK Election Live Blog (Conservative)
Iain Dale (Conservative)
Paul Burgin (One of the last Labour supporters out there)
Liberal Democrat Voice
Don't forget to VOTE !!
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Labels: local-election-2007-uk, uk-election-2007, uk-election-2007-england
Blair To Announce His Resignation Next Week
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Labels: elections, Gordon Brown, Labour, Resigns, Tony Blair
Absurd News of the Week -The $67 Million Pants
A Washington, D.C., lawyer is suing an area dry cleaning business for losing a pair of his trousers. The business owners claim they have his pants, but he's pressing ahead with his suit. A $10 dry cleaning bill for a pair of trousers has ballooned into a $67 million civil lawsuit. The ABC News Law & Justice Unit has calculated that for $67 million Pearson could buy 84,115 new pairs of pants at the $800 value he placed on the missing trousers in court documents. If you stacked those pants up, they would be taller than eight Mount Everests. If you laid them side by side, they would stretch for 48 miles.
The really worrying part of this article is that the plaintiff is not only a lawyer but also a judge. This man is responsible for ensuring justice. I wouldn't want to be an American in his court, would you?
For the full article visit ABC News